
In Autumn 2022, each partner organised a educational conference on modern perioperative care and enahnced recovery after surgery in their city. Below you can find information about each event.

Ferrara, Italy

Congress on enhanced recovery after colorectal surgery

A congress on enhanced recovery after colorectal surgery took place on the 28th of October 2022. Details of the congress can be found on the website of the health service of the Emilia-Romagna region here and on the university of Ferrara website here.

Prague, Czechia

Conference on implementation of an enhanced recovery program for colorectal surgery

The department of surgery of the second faculty of medicine of Charles University organised a day of letures on enhanced recovery in colorectal surgery. Details of the event can be found here.

Thessaloniki, Greece

Perioperative Care - Optimizing Postoperative Recovery

On the 25th of September a conference was held in Thessaloniki on enhanced recovery after surgery. A link to the event is here. The program can be downloaded here

Aragon, Spain

Local forum on implementation of the RICA pathway

An educational conference on implementation of the RICA perioperative pathway took place on 28th October 2022. The program of the event can be found here and the press release for the event here.

Elche, Spain

Multimodal prehabilitation and rehabilitation - the EUPEMEN project and enhanced recovery programs

In October 2022 a local forum was held in General University Hospital in Elche, Spain. The program of the event can be found here and a summary of the event here.